On Tue, 2002-06-04 at 15:56, Ken Ambrose wrote:
> Hi, all.  Time to revisit a fairly common topic on here.  A friend of mine
> is moving back to NH (Dublin, to be precise) after a six-year absence.
> Six years ago, dialup was Where It's At.  This is less true, now...
> especially as she hopes to telecommute to Motorola in Austin.
> Alas, I've been unable to find any reasonably-priced high-speed solutions
> for Dublin.  VITTS had offered service out there, but nobody is, now, that
> I can tell.  So, suggestions?  Satellite?  DSL providers with which I'm
> unacquainted?  Cheap fractional T-1?

Satellite is pretty much out of the question if she is planning on
telecommuting via SSH, IPSEC, or (yeeesh) PPTP. The latency just won't
allow it. Also, I have found that a few satellite providers are using
NAT and PAT at the central dish, so most VPN technologies won't work. 

You might want to look into frame relay from the telco, and have her get
her employerr to pay for it ;-)
"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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