On 22 Jul 2002, at 4:05pm, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
>>   Since when can RealPlayer decode Windows Media?  The version I have on
>> Linux ( certainly cannot.  More information, please.
> Where does one obtain this version, anyways?


  Don't ask me how I found that URL.  I tried to reproduce the navigation
path on their website, and could not.  I seem to remember their "Service and
Support" section being a backdoor into much good stuff not readily available
through more obvious channels, but even that appears to be stoppered up
right now.  Then again, I didn't look very hard, having that URL on-hand
this time around.

  This must be some new software product marketing strategy: Make sure
nobody can download your product, and... uh... er....

> Incidently, I was trying to get this 5.x version running on a RedHat 7.3
> box the other day and I didn't have a lot of luck.

  I don't think you would.  AFAIK, Red Hat only supports the previous major
release for binary compatibility.  You would have to install the old RHL 5.x
libraries yourself.  Possible, but not fun.

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