My Ximian laptop (RH 7.2) loses it the first time I log in after
a reboot.  I kill X, then restart and it pops up fine and never
have a problem again.


On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 10:01:45AM -0400, Michael O'Donnell wrote:
> A coworker (working remotely) asked this of the
> office staff this morning and we came up empty,
> so maybe the GNHLUG can offer a clue:
>  I have been fighting with this all morning so I am
>  now looking to see if anyone has the answer.  When I
>  logged in this A.M. my taskbar and pager in my panel
>  window had disappeared.  If I minimize a window it
>  vanishes and I can not open it again by clicking on
>  what used to be its minimized icon.  The workspaces
>  that are normally in the pager do exist because I can
>  move to them with 'shift-meta-arrow' or via mousing
>  on the desktop, but I cannot see the workspace
>  (pager) icons.  Any gnome users out there with ideas?
>  I looked on the gnome FAQ and have not located the
>  answer to my question.
> If he were using CTWM I'd suggest he toggle the
> "hide Workspace Manager" thingy, but I don't know
> what the equivalent Gnome thingy is...
> Is Gnome known to be prone to random failures of this
> sort, or is this more likely pilot error?
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