Hi all,

My name is Max Tappenden. I am 16 years old and am visually impaired. I
have been referred to this list by my IT teacher to get some help setting
up gnopernicus on Ubuntu 5.10.
Hey Max,

Welcome to Linux and Ubuntu!

I'm sure you'll get good advice on this list on how best to get the gnopernicus magnifier working, but in the interim I can at least suggest an alternative solution: kmag. You can quite easily run the KDE magnifier from within Gnome, and it installs without problems with Synaptic or 'Add Applications'. It will of course install a bunch of KDE libraries too, but that's OK. You can resize the window of kmag like any other application. (sorry to post this on the gnome list, but I think it's useful advice ...)

Good luck!

Henrik Nilsen Omna
Ubuntu Accessibility Team

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