Hi Aurelian

Although I am not aware of any big memory leaks in gnome-mag, this
sounds like a bug.  Opening a bug in gnome bugzilla would be best, then
you can post your attachments.  

For finding memory leaks on Linux, I highly recommend using valgrind. 
If you can run gnome-mag in valgrind it's likely to provide excellent
diagnostics.  Carlos, perhaps you could help investigate this issue?


On Sat, 2006-08-19 at 10:13, Aurelian Radu wrote:
> Hello, lists,
> After half an hour of using gnome-mag, memory usage for the magnifier
> process increased to around 625 MB, as seen in the attached
> screenshots. Is this a memory leak or is it a feature? Is this huge
> cache really necessary? It is true that the magnifier process releases
> some memory when needed by other applications, but the system becomes
> really slow. 
> Thanks,
> Aurelian Radu
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