Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> I am totally puzzled about this. Dapper Drake boots fine on my main  
> linux computer; so does grml so it's not my cdrom causing the  
> problem. the ppc version of ubuntu boots fine on my mac--never mind  
> that I can't get sound to work and can't get brltty to work--it does  
> boot all the way. however, I'v been trying the daily build of edgy  
> now for several days and it simply will not boot; my computer just  
> keeps rebooting so the cdrom isn't being ignored but it isn't  
> booting. Any suggestions or ideas what could be wrong? I'm burning  
> correctly and checksums are ok.
Some PPC images were oversized for a while, but Knot2 is known to be good.

There is one mention of boot problems in the release notes:

  * The new version of usplash seems to cause the desktop CD to fail
    to boot for some people, if you experience that, removing "splash"
    from the kernel command line might help.

Are you able to tell if it gets to the first boot screen at all? (we 
will soon have a helpful sound for that, btw).

- Henrik
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