See bug

The short answer is "it isn't possible", mostly because no one can agree 
on what the keyboard navigation sequence should be.  Pretty much any key 
sequence will clash with some terminal-based application.

However, AtkText's selection API does work with vte and gnome-terminal.  
So a simple at-spi client which hooks into this, or even an orca script, 
should not be difficult to write.  The script would install some global 
key listeners (again, care would be required to avoid clashing with 
other uses for the same key sequences) which would turn on selection.

If anyone wants to write a patch for vte which implements Calum's 
suggestion for using F7 to toggle caret mode on and off in vte, and 
which uses "shift-arrow" semantics for selecting text in caret mode, it 
would be worth trying to get it approved by the vte maintainers.  I 
think that's about the best suggested approach we have at this time.



Keith Watson wrote:

>I would also dearly love to know how to do this. I need it bad.
>PM, Kenny Hitt wrote:
>>Hi.  Would someone please point me to info on selecting text for cut and
>>paste in the gnome terminal app?
>>I've read the gnome accessibility docs and didn't find anything about
>>Thanks in advance.
>>          Kenny
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