Willie Walker writes ("Re: eSpeak support in Orca -- what is the best way?"):
> We recently looked at making a gnome-speech driver for eSpeak, but the
> main problem is that the eSpeak libraries have no facilities for sending
> samples to the audio device.  Instead, it relies upon the application to
> manage the audio.  

I guess this is exactly why something like speech-dispatcher is a very
good idea in the long run because it spares implementers of tts
engines from dealing with the quirks of audio output architectures.
Having written code for speech output with Alsa myself, I know this is
not easy to get right, partly because low latency and instance
interruptibility of playback is important in the tts scenario. Having
this problem solved once and for all in a layer like speech-dispatcher
will give people more time to focus on actual  tts code.

Best rgards, Lukas

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