George Kraft IV wrote:
> Is Henrik's proposed "Assistive Technology Applications" dialog a new
> gnome feature instead of the existing "Assistive Technology
> Preferences", or the previously proposed "Preferred Applications"
> enhancement?  Or is Henrik's proposal an Ubuntu feature?  Should I
> continue working on 350263?

My suggestion would be for this to be an enhancement to "Assistive 
Technology Preferences" but incorporating the features discussed at the 
Boston summit and described in bug 350263. We are basically looking to 
do the same thing but I'm trying to find a more flexible approach that 
will answer some of the concerns raised.

I'm describing my initial thoughts on this list in a hope that we can 
arrive at a solution that works for everyone so we don't have to make an 
Ubuntu-only feature. These are just sketches and I don't have any 
volunteers to code it yet (and I don't have the needed skills myself).


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