
When I follow your instructions, I get missing dependency geko-libs 1.8.

Where do I locate these?
On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 21:17 -0500, Janina Sajka wrote:
> The rpm builds of Firefox 3 available from the
> SpeakupModified-Development yum repository have been updated yet again.
> These rpms are for installations of Fedora Core 6 (Linux) or the
> forthcoming Fedora Core 7 currently under development. They are based on
> Mozilla downloades from January 3 and include current state-of-the-art
> accessibility support. You can retrieve both source and binary rpm
> packages via ftp, http, or rsync. But the best way to keep your Firefox
> 3 updated is to use yum.
> WARNING: This is an early alpha build of Firefox. It is known to
> conflict with yelp and devhelp. You will probably need to remove these,
> and perhaps other rpms in order to install Firefox 3. Please note also
> that support for Firefox 3 in both Orca and LSR is still under active
> development, as is also the accessibility support within Firefox itself.
> To use yum with the Speakup Modified Fedora rpm package repository, you
> must first configure your system to access our repository. You will need
> do this only once. Become root on your FC6 system and issue the
> following command:
> rpm -iv http://SpeakupModified.Org/speakupmodified-release.rpm
> Thereafter, to update Firefox 3, become root and issue the following
> command all on one line:
> yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=speakupmodified-development update firefox

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