Hi All:

GNOME 2.30 is coming out on the Ides of March (March 15).  I have one main 
question for you: do you want it to be stable or do you want it to have more 
cutting edge stuff?  This question is predicated on the assumption that GNOME 
2.30 is the last of the GNOME 2 releases and GNOME 3 is coming out this fall.  
It also assumes that we will resolve the harder problems we currently have with 
AT-SPI/D-Bus very soon.

Here's the background -- GNOME Accessibility has been facing a "perfect storm" 
for the GNOME 2.30 cycle.  The three major fronts of this storm are: 
Bonobo/CORBA elimination, WebKit accessibility, and GNOME Shell accessibility.  
You can read a lengthy summary of the current state of the work at 

Here's some pros/cons.  Note that the quantity of pros/cons doesn't necessarily 
mean anything.  They are just talking points, and actually quite simple at that.

PROS/CONS for going with the cutting edge:

PRO: GNOME accessibility may be more widely available on smaller/mobile devices 
-- those devices are happy to have D-Bus but do not want CORBA.

PRO: The cutting edge stuff will likely get more testing coverage for GNOME 
3.0, helping improve the GNOME 3.0 accessibility experience.

PRO: We will be able to eliminate a huge portion of deprecated stuff in GNOME.

CON: GNOME 2.30 accessibility could very well be unstable or slow for 
day-to-day use for doing your job or functioning in life.  Staying on GNOME 
2.28.x would be recommended for people who need more stability.

CON: GOK will not work.  OnBoard and an early form of Caribou would be the on 
screen keyboard solutions.

PROS/CONS for staying stable:

PRO: Users should still be able to use GNOME 2.30 with the same stability and 
reliability they get with GNOME 2.28.x.

PRO: GOK will work.

CON: The testing of cutting edge stuff may not be as broad, so GNOME 3.0 may go 
out without as much testing as it needs.

CON: GNOME will need to continue to carry Bonobo/CORBA around.

CON: GNOME accessibility will remain unavailable on smaller/mobile devices that 
do not ship Bonobo/CORBA.

My first concern is the end user.  As a result, I tend to be more conservative 
and lean towards stability.  That is, making sure GNOME provides a compelling 
accessible desktop for reliable and usable day-to-day activity goes a long way 
to addressing the needs of the user.  With this, we're likely to say GNOME 3.0 
will be more wrinkled in terms of accessibility and we could look to GNOME 3.2 
and 3.4 to iron things out.

However, given where we are with proximity to GNOME 3, I'm also tempted by the 
notion of getting the new stuff out there sooner.  This would potentially 
forsake the accessibility of the last (or one of the last) releases of the 
GNOME 2 series while helping set us up for an earlier accessibility success for 

Please, speak up with your thoughts.  The collective opinion of our group 
matters and it will help shape what recommendations we will make to the release 
team for GNOME 2.30.


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