Hello Alex,

> Unfortunately GNOME Shell magnifier has a simple focus tracking to trust it 
> for testing. I'm also not sure if Java SWT accessibility is correctly 
> implemented.

Can anybody on the list please confirm whether AWT/Swing event handling through 
the Java ATK Wrapper is currently supported by the GNOME shell magnifier?

> How to install Notepad example on Debian ? I use the Compiz Ezoom screen 
> magnifier that has a more advanced focus tracking than GNOME Magnifier.

On Ubuntu the Notepad demo is part of the openjdk-8-demo package. I'm not sure 
what package you need for Debian.

> To check accessibility events you could use Accerciser.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I'd like to find out first whether Java UI 
events are accessible through the GNOME shell magnifier at all before I go on.

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