Hello Samuel,

Sorry for the private response...

El 22/3/2019 a las 08:31, Samuel Thibault escribió:
> Hello,
> francisco del roio via gnome-accessibility-list, le ven. 22 mars 2019 
> 10:55:21 +0000, a ecrit:
>> what about touch interfaces?
>> Currently I am using windows and I have a touch screen, with NVDA. It
>> has support for it and sometimes it is faster to interact with controls
>> using it in place of keyboard.
>> However, I didn't found any library for touchscreen interaction, and
>> orca will need a redesign from the ground to support it appropriately.
> Which kind of interaction do you have?  AIUI the current support on
> Linux is that it can trigger clicks, but do you mean that a different
> mode of interaction would allow to check what widget you have before
> clicking, for instance?

> Samuel

Yes, a "review" mode before activating the widget under the finger, like
in iOS, Android and Windows 8.1+.

Cuando tus fuerzas terminan, las de mi Dios comienzan.

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