On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 8:01 AM, Shaun McCance <sha...@gnome.org> wrote:
It is true that the documentation team is currently unable to keep up
with our release cycle. But removing freezes would create yet another
barrier to us getting things back on track.

I don't understand the difficulty. Maintainers have to send an email
for a freeze break anyway. All they have to do is add one address to
the CC line. If they forget, release team just adds one address to the
CC line of their response.

Maybe to keep things simple, we could say something like:

No new features can be added anymore so developers focus on stability and the GNOME Documentation Project can document the existing functionality. Bugfixes of existing features are still allowed.

To break Feature Freeze you need two approvals from the release-team. Changes impacting user help should be announced to gnome-doc-list@gnome.org.

because relatively few freeze break requests have any bearing on documentation. Would this be OK?


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