2012/2/6 Pallai Roland <d...@magex.hu>:
> Hi,
> One habit I can't change for Gnome3 is the application based alt+tab.
> I'm using the alternate-tab extension but I found sometimes is pretty
> hard to find the right window by title.
> The alternate-tab extension with the attached patch brings each window
> to the front in turn as Alt+Tab is pressed if this behaviour is
> enabled; see http://youtu.be/h8MychGxObI
> It's much more comfortable in many situations without drawbacks.
> What do you think about this behaviour? Is there a better way to
> implement or achieve it? (I know about hotkey "switch windows of an
> app directly" but that brings back the application based behaviour
> what I dislike.)

This is definitely an interesting behaviour, and therefore I applied
the patch to my local repository. It will be public as soon as I sort
out some minor issues.

Thanks a lot!

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