Alright, first let me preface with I am not any kind of authority for GNOME
or GNOME themes. I'm more or less just a list listener. And now to be plain,
this does not seem like an issue, as anybody may change any icon on their
system at any time. How is this a defect? No flames please, I am really
asking the question. Perhaps you could forward the original complaint to the
list. Or it may not be necessary as you've already filed a defect in



2010/11/15 Máirín Duffy <>

> Hi folks,
> First of all, allow me to apologize if this isn't the appropriate list
> for this topic; I was debating between this list and the tango-artists
> list, but since this concerns a gnome-icon-theme issue I thought this
> list might be more appropriate.
> That being said, in Fedora we recently received a complaint about the
> security-high icon (attached for convenient reference.) The complaint
> regarded the use of the Christian cross symbol in the upper/center
> region of the icon.
> I filed the bug in GNOME bugzilla under gnome-icon-theme here:
> Is this the appropriate way to handle the bug do you think? Let me know
> what you think. As I mentioned in the bug, I'm happy to modify the icon
> if needed (I'm thinking maybe instead of a cross, use a cloverleaf
> design?)
> ~m
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