Ok, I finally got what you mean. You want to change the theme of the
root user, so when you open some program as root your theme is
applied, right? If this is the case you need to install your theme
system-wide (/usr/share prefix) or have it installed for the root user
(/root prefix).


2011/2/13 Gustavo Benedito dos Reis Costa <gusr...@gmail.com>:
> Hello people from Art-Gnome-Themes!
> Good afternoon!
> I'm a newest member of this list because this forum is helpeful for who has
> problems with Gnome themes. I tried to ask someone from Ubuntu Brazil forum
> to help me how to correct the root's window theme, but nobody answered me.
> My name is Gustavo Reis. I'm (typo)graphic designer (web). I'm 21 years old.
> I'm from São Paulo, Brazil. My dream is to create the themes for Ubuntu, as
> principally the active sports and olympic theme.
> I have already created a theme, the theme is already ready, but not all,
> because firstly I need to better the root's window, build the fonts, the
> splash and login screens, AWN theme, Google Chrome, Opera and Firefox
> Mozilla themes.
> But I have a problem with a root's window. When I applied my own theme, I
> pressed alt+F2 for opening the root's nautilus windows, the toot's nautilus
> window is totally different from my theme. See the example:
> http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/1757/janeladonautlius.png
> The root nautilus window is all grey. I have already restarted the computer,
> I have already did it many times, but the root window always continues the
> same.
> What and how will I do for correcting this error?
> Thank you!
> Gustavo Reis
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