On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Nenad Latinović <ne...@latinovic.info> wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I'm just wondering if anyone can point me where i have to edit the css to 
> change the blue gradients in adwaita into green (I'm using openSUSE). I 
> downloaded the gnome-themes-standard package, but there's no css in the gtk3 
> folder.
> Help a brother out :)

The css for Adwaita is included in the GTK+ library and not exposed
separately on the file system.

You _can_ extract it using the gresource tool, but it is not really
suitable for the kind of modification that you want to do, since it is
generated from sass files here:
and has the colors embedded in literal form all over the place. It is
probably easier to start from a checkout of GTK+, tweak the sass
files, run parse-sass.sh to regenerate the css and use that as the
basis for your theme.
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