Hi Tamas/Tassilo,

On Aug 19, 9:39 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> On Aug 19, 4:04 pm, Xavier Maillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Let me know what you think.
> > I just love the idea and the way it is currently working. I will try to
> > hack on it too to add my own sources.
> > By the way, do you thing it is doable to add a contact just by entering
> > his name.
> > Say for example, I am typing this after M-x anything RET:
> > John Doe RET
> > If John DOe is not in my contact base, I would like to be offered to add it.
> Tassilo's solution is good, but I also fixed anything.el, so that
> filtered candidate transformer is run also if the candidate list is
> empty. This is is alternative solution.
> So with the filtered-candidate-transformer attribute you can add an
> "Add contact" candidate to the list  of candidates if it is empty and
> use the action-transformer attribute to change the action list if this
> special candidate is the current selection.

It looks like either the most recent change to anything.el or the most
recent change to anything-config.el (or a combination of the two) has
broken the "normal" bbdb actions. For example, if I enter the first
few letters of a contact name and press RET on a selection, I just
exit the anything buffer and don't get the contact details. If I press
TAB on a selection, the anything buffer is cleared.

- Bill

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