Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Kastrup wrote:
>> Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > David Kastrup wrote:
>> > [...]
>> >> That must be why we have all those copyright violation lawsuits going
>> >> on.
>> >
>> > "We" don't have any lawsuits. You ( folk), on the other hand,
>> > have a nice lawsuit from Wallace. Kudos to him for calling the bluff
>> > and achieving pretty good results already. For example,
>> <URL:>
> Yes. And? The last time the FSF's didn't get what they wanted
> (dismissal with prejudice) and they actually got spanked by judge
> for using "extraneous materials FSF relied upon in drafting the
> motion".

Uh, the case has been dismissed.  Without prejudice, meaning that
Wallace gets a last chance, but the court has not even found enough
merit in Wallace's ramblings to even start proper proceedings.

> We'll see much more FSF's blood this time, I think.

Well, we certainly can't see any less.

> As for judge's comments about the GPL... one can tie oneself in
> knots trying to make sense of the GPL.

Well, so far you are tieing yourself in knows trying to pass it off as

> It's quite easy for a judge to get a bit confused on a first
> glance.  Wallace will gradually straighten him out.

Certainly so, since Wallace has had a profound legal education like
yourself, in contrast to the judge who is confused about legal

Too bad that in the courts judges rule, and not Wallaces and

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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