Hello all:

I've been a gnucash user for several years, but I've never posted to
the devlist before (I did post to gnucash-users back in April of 2004,
see attached).

In 2004, I fiddled around with converting my previous QuickBooks data to
gnucash.  I used software by DataBlox
(http://www.datablox.com/qb/qboview.htm) coupled with a TCL script
(http://www.ids.net/~gregan/arzoosw/download.html) for the primary data
extraction, then wrote some python scripts to convert the data into qif

None of this really panned out.  It didn't seem to be an issue with the
data export, but rather my inability at guile and limitations of the QIF
format.  As time passed, it seemed much less important to preserve the
financial data from QuickBooks.  When I returned to graduate school, the
project was shelved indefinetly.

OK, what's the point?  I'd like to know if there is an interest in being
able to do a QuickBooks->gnucash conversion.  If so, and there is a
gnucash developer interested in pursuing the topic, I'd be happy to
donate the copy of the DataBlox software I purchased.

If anyone is interested, please contact me off list (I don't subscribe,
and I doubt most the developers are interested in the pursuent


Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                from disclaimer import standard
public key @ pgp.mit.edu B5354B76

"We will perhaps eventually be writing only small modules which are identified
by name as they are used to build larger ones, so that devices like
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structure in the source language."

-- Donald E. Knuth, "Structured Programming with goto Statements", Computing
Surveys, Vol 6 No 4, Dec. 1974
Hello all:

I feel I'm close to having a Quickbooks to GnuCash conversion process
completed (I'll post the recipe if I can make it work all the way).
Right now I have a python script that is reading IIF format and
generating QIF (see attached files).

When I import the QIF into GnuCash (1.8.8 debian sarge), in the next
druid page after QIF file selection, it says:

  The QIF file you have loaded appears to have transactions for just 
  one account, but the file does not specify a name for that account.

The default choice for the attached files is 'input'.  The rest of the
import proceeds without incidence.  When it is finished I have a file
with an 'input' account, when I would have thought I would have a '1st
Bank Checking' account.

Do I need to separate my big QIF file into separate files for all
accounts that occur in the 'L' field? Or do I specify an specific account
with a '!Account' record entry in the QIF?  Or (most likely) have I
missed some important aspect of QIF generation or GNUcash importing?

I suspect either of the first two answers are as much work to implement
in my python script, I'm just looking for a little direction from the
people in the know.


PS:  please cross-reply to me, as I have not subscribed to the lists

Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                from disclaimer import standard
public key @ www.mcprogramming.com

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