Op zaterdag 16 juli 2022 14:44:06 CEST schreef Paul Kroitor:
> I have no trouble following the Guile/Scheme -- Lisp was one of the original
> 14 languages I studied in college -- and many reports date back 20 years or
> more anyway. The difficulties come more with the layers of approaches /
> authors you get in such mature systems. For example, the balance sheet and
> income statement use common support modules that enable certain standard
> optional behaviours, but the cash flow wasn't written to use said modules,
> so one has to duplicate the functionality but really should toss half the
> cash-flow and use the (better) common support modules.

Hi Paul,

Welcome to gnucash indeed.

That's an interesting analysis of the cash flow report and at the same time 
that could be an 
opportunity for your next contribution (if you feel so inclined of course)  :)


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