I don't recall that discussion.

The only thing is the script called "/usr/local/gnudip/sbin/gdipdlet.pl".

I pasted its source in at the bottom.

According to the archives, in Nov 2001, there was some discussion about a
daemon which would check the gnudip db for hosts which have not checked in
for a certain time and either remove or replace their records with dummy records.

Has something like this been written in the meantime? I could not find anything
in the archives at a later date.

Any pointers will be appreciated.


#!/usr/bin/perl ##################################################### # gdipdlet.pl # # This script scans the database and creates # the nsupdate input needed to delete the domain # name for users not updated within a specified # number of days. Optionally, it also deletes # the user from the database. # # See COPYING for licensing information. # #####################################################

# Perl modules
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;

# global variables
use vars qw($conf $gnudipdir);

# locate ourselves
use FindBin;
  $gnudipdir = '';
  if ($FindBin::Bin =~ /(.*)\/.+?/) {
    $gnudipdir = $1;
use lib "$gnudipdir/lib";

# GnuDIP common subroutines
use gdiplib;
use gdiplinemode;
use dbusers;

# process command line
sub usage {
  print STDERR <<"EOQ";
usage: gdipdlet.pl [ -h | [ -d ] [ -o outfile ] days ]
usage: Generates the nsupdate input needed to delete zone records
usage: not updated within \"days\" days. Optionally, it also
usage: deletes the user from the database.
usage: -h: Print this usage message.
usage: -d: Delete users from the database.
usage: -o: Specify file to write output to.
use vars qw/ $opt_h $opt_o $opt_d /;
if (!getopts('ho:d')) {
  exit 1;
if ($opt_h) {
if (@ARGV ne 1) {
  exit 1;
my $days = shift;

# redirect output?
if ($opt_o) {
  open(STDOUT, ">$opt_o");

# get preferences from config file
$conf = getconf();

# scan users
my $users = 0;
my $sth = getusersolder($days);
while (my $uinfo = getuserseach($sth)) {
  if ($$uinfo{'domain'}) {
    print "update delete   $$uinfo{'username'}.$$uinfo{'domain'}.\n";
    print "update delete *.$$uinfo{'username'}.$$uinfo{'domain'}.\n";
    print "\n";
    deleteuser($uinfo) if $opt_d;

# final message
my $msg = "nsupdate records written for $users users";
if ($opt_o) {
  $msg .= " to $opt_o";


Creighton MacDonnell

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