Does the pgerror in any way refer to a Post SQL Error?

No.. All routines that display an HTML page and end the CGI begin with "pg_". The call to "pg_error" contains a mesage code. The message code for this particular case is just to display an error of "Invalid Request". The error was being displayed because the domain for the user selected did not exist. Only minimal information about errors is ever (or will ever) be displayed in HTML pages. This is to make it hard for hackers to deduce information about the configuration.. What I could do is add an error message to the log. But all the error message could say is "the domain for the user selected did not exist".

If there is a PostGres Error by this name, it would indicate why

Any errors accessing PostgreSQL are (or are supposed to be) logged. The code would never have reached the point where the "pgerror" was encountered.,

I can only reproduce this error if I add a user and then remove his domain. Are you quite sure that the domain has not been removed from the PostgreSQL database?

This happens when I attempt to edit a user. The Domain exists.

Are you certain of this?

I try to update the IP Address. In any event, an Error Message would be particularly enlightening.

No PostgreSQL error has been encountered.

While it has been my experience that there is always another way to perform a given function (especially by different people), error messages always provide useful information.

GnuDIP already produces reems of error messages.. Should it also go to great lengths to check the consistency of the GnuDIP configurartion as it executes the GUI? Did you try running the script I mentioned that does just this, but offline?

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