iseven(row()) works fine.

Hope this helps,

Le mercredi 15 juin 2022 à 09:52 -0400, Geoff Sullivan via gnumeric-
list a écrit :
> I want to figure out how to add color to alternate rows of a
> spreadsheet using conditional formatting. In LibreOffice Calc there
> is a way to do this by setting the conditional of a range of cells to
> '=iseven(row())' and defining a style color in the dialog. Voila!
> alternate rows appear in the chosen color.
> In Gnumeric there is an option for conditional formatting that seems
> to allow for the same effect. Select a range of cells to apply the
> row colors to. Under Format > Cells > Conditional Formatting there is
> a dialog box. You select 'Selection evaluates to TRUE' in the first
> box, enter (I think) '=iseven(row))' in the 'x:' box, select a
> background in the style box, and close. The colored rows should
> appear in your spreadsheet now. NOT SO MUCH. I tried this several
> different ways and once I noticed the Add button lit beside the box
> on the left (Editing conditional formatting:) and I clicked it. I
> believe some confirmation should have appeared there but it didn't.
> Does anyone know what I'm missing here?
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