On February 4, 2019 8:07:33 AM AKST, Citizen Kepler <notificati...@github.com> 
>I would like to say that I need to have a signature on all of the
>emails that I send to authenticate me as the sender, but not encrypt
>them.  Often these messages are going back into bug tracking systems or
>mailing lists, and manually signing each email is a bad solution.   I
>will need to allow a opt-in sign by default option. 

[[[Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 12:45 PM AKST]]]
PGP signatures do have a couple of rather severe and vicious limitations.

THE DATE PROBLEM. Only the body of the email is signed, not the envelope 
headers, namely the subject and intended recipients, and probably most 
importantly, the date. It would be nice to have an option to automatically 
include some of these headers in the body of the signed message when composing 
a signed email message.

THE STRIPPING PROBLEM. Currently, each attachment is signed separately and 
independently by the PGP-MIME standard. It would be preferable to digitally 
sign SHA hashes of the main message and all attachments in a single additional 
attachment. This would leave an indication of any attachments that may have 
been "stripped" from the email message, but without breaking the signatures of 
remaining attachments in such cases.

Bust that 55+ EFF nightclub and do it right, folks, unless it's the youth wing 
spouting the exact same old fogies' party line. ....
Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, 
el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no serĂ¡ infringido.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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