Citát Rob Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > 
> > p.s.: Can we convert GNUstep site to some CMS instead of having it on 
> > CVS?
> > --
> would having blogs aggregated at and an active, 
> more detailed app database at, along with the 
> currently well used wiki at, achieve the same 
> benefits you're looking for in using the cms, without the upheaval 
> (and work) of changing the main gnustep site?

No, it will not be the same. wiki/apps/planet/forum are "web applications" with
their own purpose. What I had in mind is that we should have home page in a CMS
so it would be editable from anywhere. CVS is a barrier.

What tools (PHP? MySQL? GNUstep-web?) are available for the GNUstep site and
what is possible to install and maintain? For those tools we can try to find a
CMS, if it would be possible. With CMS one can get features such as search, 
site map, automatic menu maintenance and many others "for free".

Btw. Ubuntu has nice web forums [1] with plenty of traffic. Also I have noted
that they have a kind of bridge between mailman and the forum [2], so every
post to the ubuntu lists gets published at the forum as a standard message.
Does GNUstep has any resources (machine, time,...) to set up such forum? In
addition, currend trends are that people like to discuss at forums more than on
lists, as the forums are easier accessible.

To sum it up: - CMS with news - wiki - application database (web app) - blogs - forums with bridge to lists

Each item is important from project development point of view. 
Home - Basic Presentation, portal
Wiki - knowledge storage and evolution
Apps - "GNUstep Shop"
Planet - Community and news
Forums - development talks and support

My questions:
- what is doable and what not?
- if something is not doable, then what is missing?
- if something is missing, what are the ways of getting it?
- what is doable in a short time? (planet?)



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- Mahatma Gandhi

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