I was looking at the Downloads page and found a few things that need

First is with GWorkspace!  The currently link points to the build guide at
the made-it.com site, it should just point to the actual GWorkspace page:
http://www.gnustep.it/enrico/gworkspace/  On this note, GNUstep-make, -base,
-gui, -back, Renaissance, GNUstep Guile and StepTalk also point to the
made-it.com page.

Also on the GWorkspace links, the Downloads page still references version
0.8.3, where as GWorkspace is on version 0.8.5.  The link to that is also
inconsistent with everything else as it links to the GWorkspace homepage
instead of a tar.gz file.  Current version of Renaissance is now 0.8.0 and
not 0.7.0!  Current version of Pantomine is 1.2.0pre3.  Etc...

In general, I think someone needs to have a good look, and update that
page.  I might have missed a few things, such as current version and
inconsistent linking.

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