
I'm sending this mail here because actually don't know where to ask
this, so I'm really sorry if it's not the right place to do so. (if it
can be redirected to the right place, that would be great!)

Well, as you may know, after Apple's WWDC, the team from OpenOffice
Mac OS X port team has decided to use cocoa instead of carbon, as
stated here: 

the important bits being the following:

" Apple very strongly suggests not to use Carbon anymore. Carbon is
not going to be available as 64 bit version in MacOS 10.5 (Leopard)
whereas the rest of the system is full 64 bit. Furthermore Carbon will
not be developed anymore ; it will probably be deprecated with 10.6."

" What does this mean for the OOo Mac port ?
We need to
   * first complete Carbon version "make it work first"
   * then switch to a Cocoa based implementation "improve it and optimize"
This can be done gradually as Carbon functionality can be used from
Cocoa. For our UI this enables us to deliver a solution quickly with
HIToolbox's themed drawing functions. Later we will have to replace
this somehow using NSView implementations, since Cocoa doesn't have
(and as far as we know won't ever have) equivalent drawing
functionality. However on the updside this supposedly will at least
give us accessibility implementation for free."

So, what I wanted to ask was, since they are porting to Cocoa,
wouldn't it be an option that the GNUstep team joined somehow that
effort to make it OPENSTEP compatible so it would work on GNUstep as
well as Cocoa? or at least communicate with that porting team to see
if this can taken in account..

I ask this since it is almost sure that the old Lighthouse's office
suite won't be open sourced and this could bring the equivalent on
OpenOffice to do the same work and more.

I hope this reach you.. and that it can be done... I'll be waiting for
an answer hehe

Goodbye and keep up the good job on GNUstep

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