On Thu, 2015-01-08 at 10:51 +0000, Jarda Gresula wrote:
> Hello,
> I came across a SSL handshake problem with gnutls-cli when connecting to 
> some websites, see below. It is somehow specific to gnutls as 
> openssl/Chrome/Firefox can connect fine. 
> Is this is a bug in gnutls or do you have any ideas how to troubleshoot it?

The server doesn't like something in the TLS 1.2 support of gnutls 2.12
since if you disable it, it seems to work. The same server works with
gnutls 3.2 and the only difference in the client hello of the two
versions is that gnutls 3.2 has more features enabled. 

There is no point to try debugging such an old version of gnutls; the
best is to use a more modern version (the 2.12 branch is from 2011).


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