    I am Prasanna Poka pursuing my master's in Chemnitz University of
Technology. As part of my Master Thesis, I am looking for a TLS library
which is lightweight and supports my requirements. I have gone through the
product flyer of the GNU TLS and it almost suits my requirements. Still I
could not find some other details. I request you to please let me know
about the following details.

   - What is the range of the memory footprint this library provides?
   - Can we use this library for ARM Cortex M33 and M4 microcontrollers?
   - Is the Brain pool curve supported by GNU TLS?
   - Can this library be used on FreeRTOS, MbedOS?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Prasanna Poka
Gnutls-help mailing list

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