Hello everyone,

I am new in the GnuWin32 mailing list.
We used GSL for Windows 32 bit for our bioconductor packages and it works fine.
We installed GSL from the GSL library files. We now want to use GSL for Windows 
64 bits. I read different forum to find some tips on the installation in this 
So, I have decided to download the GSL source files and recompile it with MYSYS 
/ X86_64-mingw32. The compilation and installation works fine.
Now, it works in my Windows 7 64 bit environment.  So, we want to make it 
available for the community and distribute the GSL 64 bit version as we did 
with the 32 bit version of GSL.
I am trying to use the INNO setup to install the software. I am not an expert 
on the windows dynamic libraries.

So I am wondering, if someone has some suggestions or advice that could help me.



Bioinformatician/Programmer Analyst
Computational Biology Research Unit
Clinical Research Institute of Montreal (IRCM)
110, avenue des Pins Ouest
Montréal (Québec) H2W 1R7
url: http://www.rglab.org


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