> gcc  -lgw32c -lole32 -lm  -o bin/mmc built/posix_randr.obj
> built/simpmesh.obj
> uilt/tettracing.obj built/mcx_utils.obj built/tictoc.obj built/tetray.obj "
> I am certain that gcc/ld had found the libgw32c.a that I placed
> under c:\MinGW\lib, but somehow, it does not link :(

It *does* link, and entirely predictably, includes *nothing* from the
libraries in the linked image, because you told the linker to process
all your libraries *before* it had read the objects to build its
requirements list.

This question has been answered about a squillion times on the MinGW
mailing list; the order in which you specifed your link command args
is *wrong*.  The order matters[*], and -l... library specs *must* come
*after* the object files requiring them, (and also in the correct
order so that library interdependencies may be resolved).

[*] FTR,, this command order is just as wrong for compiling on Linux.

Also, .obj looks wrong for GCC; while the format may be correct, .o
is the more normal object file extension.

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