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By: keithmarshall

[quote]gunzip is a shell script in "Gzip for Windows".[/quote]

As you note, it's a shell script requiring a POSIX shell, so can't be run 
from cmd.exe

[quote]How do I use it?[/quote]

If you're stuck with a brain-dead shell such as cmd.exe, you don't.  However,
read it to see what it does:--

1) Ensure that the directory containing gzip.exe is in the PATH
2) Invoke 'gzip -d' with the original arguments passed to itself

So, assuming you've already taken care of (1), just invoke 'gzip -d' yourself,
instead of gunzip, (or write your own trivial gunzip.bat replacement for the
POSIX shell script).

[quote]Do I need to install some "Shell for Windows"?[/quote]

If you're satisfied with running brain-dead cmd.exe, then "no"; if you prefer
something more *nix-like...

[quote]Where could I find it?[/quote] might consider MSYS, (from, or Cygwin, (from

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