As member of Goa-Research-Net what can you say about anything latest you
have read about publications on Goa? Are you accompanying the research in
progress about Goa, whatever be the area of scientific interest?
Goa-research-net is not only about history. It only requires that we do not
get involved in cheap debates as it happens with most other Goa-related
forums. They may pride of having  thousands of participants, but we do rate
the popularity of this forum by numbers. It will not take us anywhere
forward in understanding Goa’s history or its other needs with any
Goa-Reserch-Net is not interested in counting the number of its members. Its
primary interest is promoting a serious discussion based on data and
documentation that can enable us to evaluate and contribute seriously to the
understanding of any aspect of Goa, its people and resources.
Goa-Research-Net is not a safety valve for pent-up feelings. 
We certainly need a more “serious” participation on the Goa-Research-Net.
And serious participation requires much “investment” in time and efforts. We
are sure our members will appreciate this “quality” control. If we have
little that comes up, it is an indicator of our own capacity and quality as
members of the forum to which we have subscribed.
Please do not wait only to read the contribution of other members. It is not
fair to be always a "silent" member and benefit without contributing
anything. We do not doubt that each of you  have information and experience
from which all other members can benefit. Please make an effort to share it
and we shall all be richer and grateful for it.

Teotonio R. de Souza


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