*Goa Today*, Panaji, February 1998: 

Goacom sets up new mailing lists

Thanks to three new 'mailing-lists' set up by Goacom(http://www.goacom.com),
the Goa based Internet Commercial Website, Goans, worldwide, interested in
discussing their home state, research-related subjects linked to Goa or to
simply interact in Konkani, can do so through the use of e-mail or
electronic mail. Set up only a month ago, GoaLink (<marlon at goacom.com>)
or <fred at bom2. vsnl.net.in>), Goa-Research-Net (<teodesouza at mail
telepac.pt>) and Konkani-Net (<konkani at goacom. com>) have increased Goa's
presence in cyberspace. "GoaLink is a general low volume forum for people
interested in Goa to meet and talk about Goa," says Marlon Menezes, who
launched this list after volunteering to work out the complex software
problems. Goa-Research-Net aims to disseminate information and details about
research being undertaken, and Konkani Net, set up by Samir Kelekar to
promote the Konkani language, encourages discussions in Konkani. A press
note from Goacom's Jerry L Menezes says that membership to these 
mailing-lists' is absolutely free. 

To Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Goa-Research-Net
* Send us a brief self-intro to justify your interest in this
"specialized" forum. This should be     sent to
* Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NOT goa-research-net@goacom.com)
* Leave SUBJECT blank
* On first line of the BODY of your message, type:
subscribe goa-research-net [EMAIL PROTECTED]
unsubscribe goa-research-net [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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