*From Constâncio Roque da Costa to Constâncio Roque da Costa (1822-1982):
Elected representatives of Goa in the Parliament of Portugal*  is the theme
of an MPhil dissertation that will be defended by Susana Isabel Loureiro da
Costa Pinho in the Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa, on 21 February 2005. The
research has been conducted under the guidance of Prof. Teotonio R. de Souza
 Professor Narana Coissoró, a Portuguese MP of long-standing,  will be one
of the examiners. The other external referee and the main questioner will be
the Anthropologist-Historian Cristiana Bastos, of the Institute of Social
Sciences (University of Lisbon). She is presently conducting a major project
on the contribution of the Goa Medical College and is very well acquainted
with the socio-political scenario of Goa during the period studied in this
MPhil dissertation.
It is for the first time that the personalities and political performance of
Goan MPs in the Portuguese Parliament have been scrutinized in depth,
utilizing the diaries of the Portuguese National Assembly. While we knew the
individual performance of some of those deputies, it is for the first time
that we get a comparative picture. The study has selected some outstanding
representatives from three different groups, covering the natives, the
mestiços and the ethnic Portuguese. It can be concluded that in all three
categories of MPs we come across those who performed extremely well to
promote the interests of the territory and people they represented, while
there are MPs in all three categories with a dismal record. 
Among the outstanding native MPs figure Constâncio Roque da Costa, Bernardo
Peres da Silva, Antonio Caetano Pacheco, João Xavier de Sousa Trindade,
Estevam Jeremias Mascarenhas, Bernardo Peres da Costa, Francisco Luís Gomes
and Constâncio Roque da Costa. This selection is limited to the period that
extends from the start of liberal politics in Portugal and elected
representation, and stops short of the political mess that preceded the
humiliation of Portugal by England over the African question and the
subsequent proclamation of the Republic in 1910.
If and when published this dissertation could provide an excellent
contribution to our knowledge of socio-political history of Goa during a
period that is comparatively recent, but yet little studied and little
understood. There is documentation gallore, but also too many emotions alive
and which have not helped a dispassionate research. To a researcher like
Susana Pinho, coming now from a generation and a milieu that have no axes to
grind,  we can be grateful to what she has to contribute to our
understanding of our past.
Teotónio R. de Souza

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