
On Saturday, January 11, 2003, at 08:22  AM, Stevan Harnad wrote:

Many thanks to Michael Eisen for citing the source for his prior
posting about a question of interpretation in the new Nature Licensing
Agreement. The question is about one ambiguous sentence -- not in the
Nature License itself, or the official Nature FAQ about it, but in a
promotional Nature news-item that was written about it. I am rather
confident -- though I am fully prepared to admit it publicly if I prove
to be wrong -- that my (charitable) interpretation of this sentence is
the correct one.

Just wondering Stevan if you ever got a response from Nature to your
open letter. I don't want to open the whole thing up for debate again,
but I am curious if this was ever clarified by Nature to your


Mark Doyle
Manager, Product Development
The American Physical Society

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