Fytton Rowland writes

> I believe that paid-for secondary services like Chemical Abstracts
> *will* have a place in the new world of OA.

  Some may have, others won't have. Building collections of secondary
  data is what the OAI-PMH protocol is all about. If the "full-text"
  is free, it is more valuable the better it is disseminated. So
  you can see that content publishers will be happy to make
  some extra efforts to make their data collections harvestable
  and aggregatable. Comparining RePEc http://repec.org, 200k
  records, free and EconLit http://www.econlit.org, 600k records, $$$,
  I don't see how EconLit will survive in the longer run.


  Thomas Krichel                      mailto:kric...@openlib.org

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