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Innovating Rapid Publishing for COVID-19

Independent SAGE is a group of scientists who are working together to 
provide independent scientific advice to the UK government and public on 
how to minimise deaths and support Britain’s recovery from the COVID-19 
crisis. (

The indie_SAGE Technical Publishing Working Group is looking for 
volunteers and resources to help with the rapid publishing, 
dissemination, and Citizen Science innovation for Independent SAGE 

It's looking for volunteers with the following skill sets to join the 
working group:

librarians for metadata;
editors for proofing production;
technical IT - Markdown, Git, DevOps, XML, Jekyll/Hugo, Kubernetes and
Terraform, etc.;
publishing production managers;
data scientists and Jupyter Notebooks;
open project GitHub/Lab setup and wrangling;
graphic design & web design - CSS;
Wordpress UX/UI, and;
Citizen Science researchers.

More information is available here:

If you are interested in volunteering, or have a question or comment 
join on Gitter chat (, or you can DM 
Simon Worthington on Twitter @mrchristian99 or email

Gary Hall
Professor of Media
Director of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, 
Coventry University:

Article: ’Anti-Bourgeois Theory’:

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