Tribute to Manjula Gawde

On 26th November 2004 Manjula Gawde Sattari, breathed her last  in Goa
Medical College, Bambolim, after 22 days of relentless struggle to survive.
And as soon as she was declared dead the hell broke loose. Villagers rose up
in arms and her body was unceremoniously half burned amidst scuffles and
police interventions on the very next day. 

The uproar over her death continues. Newspapers continues to bring the
stories, politicians continue to take advantage of the situations, Police
cases have been filed against the villagers and even arrested, yet the
murderers of Manjula Gawde has not been arrested though who the murderers of
Manjula Gawde is the common knowledge. Oh! Police believe it is the case of

Manjula Gawde (18) was beaten up with injuries by the her employer Vinita
Savaiker (a cloth vendor married to pygmy collector Sanjay Savaiker) along
with her family members including her father-in-law Krishna Savaikar on 4th
November 2004. 

Vinita has been bonded in the exploitative employment in as the domestic
worker -- as house cleaner and cloth washer at Rs.200 (Rupees two hundred
only!) per month or Rs.6/- (Rupees Six Only) per day for the past two years.
Actually she had collected only Rs.600/- over this period. At around 5.00
pm. Vinita Savoiker, the employer of the Manjula Gawde started beating her
up with dog chains, wooden sticks and of course the kicks and slaps. 

(Though the findings of the post mortem report is yet to be ascertained, her
dead body possed black marks of torture on her chest and tremendous swelling
at the vaginal area). Vinita while beating up Manjula was howling "I will
never be at peace till Manjula is dead".

Manjula's mother too who was present was not only beaten up (by banging her
to the pole) along with Manjula but was also threaten at the gun point by
Krishna Sawaikar (father-in-law who possesses licence gun) that in case she
informs the villagers or the Police then she will be shot dead. (This is the
fear which kept Kasturi from informing the villagers about the beating up
incident till her daughters' death 22days latter!)

After mercilessly  beating up Manjula Gawde, she was thrown into the middle
of beetle-nut Orchard (owned by Savoiker family) where she was forced to
drink liquid Pesticides that was used to spray in the plantations. (Savaikar
family owns huge plantations- Kulagar at Bhatwadi, Advai, forest property in
Mhadei of Cashew plantations, property at Kumbarkhand, Vagurem and Savaiker

Here Manjula spoke her last few words to her Mother "Ayee maka chau dili
punn mhaka ti bori lagunk nam" (Mom, I was given tea to drink but it din't
taste good). The reasons for the wrath of Savaikar family is not difficult
to understand. Manjula is not the first girl to be murdered in this fashion
in the last few months. There is line of Girls Murdered- Tanuja Naik, Anjana
Shirodker, Maria Vaz... the common factor being that they all belonged to
vulnerable sections of society where mega irresponsibility galore; injustice
and fear all pervasive.

After beating up, Manjula was dropped near the residence of Gawade family
who leaves in the forest in small 4 by 5 mud house with no property of their
own but 3 genetically affected either deaf and dump or both family member.
At this point Manjula's father Chandru Gawde was beaten up by the Savaiker
family and warned him to shut his mouth about beating up of his daughter.

The Gawde family was ordered to give salt water by Savaiker family and then
take her to on Dr. Amsheker, private practitioner at Valpoi in his private
clinic. After treating Dr.Amsheker referred her to be admitted to the Goa
Medical College on 19th November 2004- after complete two weeks. In between
she was also given treatment by another medical practitioner in Margao on
the advice of Dr.Amshekar.

In glaring incident of travesty of justice Police has been siding with the
murderers of Manjula. After the mob of around 1000 people burnt the body in
front of the house of Manjula Gawde, the next day instead of investigating
the perpetrators of violence, police arrested Manjula's brother Rajesh and
her Mother Katuri along with the villager Bablo Gawde; stripped them of
their clothes in the lock up except their underwears (excluding Kasturi) and
were kept hungry without lunch and dinner. NEST denounces this action of

Further Police has slapped criminal cases against 16 villagers on some
fictitious charges like assault on Police arrested and released them.
(Around 1000 people had battled the police on 27th November 2004, why the
cases only on 16 people? To create situation of fear in democratic India?)
But cases has not been withdrawn. NEST demands the immediate withdrawal of cases
against all following 16 people. They are Suresh Gawde, Manisha Gawde
(Manjula's Sister), Krishna A. Gawde, Bhagwant Babli Gawde, Prakash K.
Vantekar, Naru Ramnath Gawde, Ranganath k. Gawde, Gurudas P.Gawde, Umesh
P.Gawde (minor), Prashnt P. Gawde (Minor), Amresh Anant Gawde (Minor),
Vishnu Shankar Gawde, Bablo H.Advaikar, Kasturi Chandru Gawde (Manjula's
Mother) Vishnu Sazu Gawde and Rajesh Chandru Gawde (Manjula's Brother).

The police are raiding the house of Manjula Gawde -- on the average every
third day. NEST demands immediate halt to the already shocked family of
Manjula Gawde. While Savoikar family has been enjoying armed police
protection since 27th November 2004. 

NEST appreciate the efforts of the villagers to organise against the Police
Raj of the fascist regime in Goa which goes by personal loyalties and class
interests of bourgousie and feudal barons of Goa like the savoiker family.
NEST specially applauds marvellous efforts of youngster Sushma Vantekar in
bringing about unity and consciousness about democratic right of the

NEST's 10 member team offered solidarity and encouragement to the Vantem
villagers and the Manjula's family on 25th December 2004, 1st and 2nd
January 2005. Goa State of course had no time. Earlier it was busy in
organising IFFI in 2004. Now it is busy planning IFFI for 2005 -- of course
advance planning helps. This speaks volumes for the defence and safety of
women in Goa.

Sebastian Rodrigues

VADDO, MARNA, SIOLIM, BARDEZ, GOA. 403517 PH: (0832)2272164 

FOUNDER: Dr. Bikram Dasgupta.

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