People at Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By the way, as Mervyn well knows, I have often tried
> to debate Haroon Siddiqui by pointing out his
> blatant anti-American falsehoods, but he typically >
hides under his desk and refuses to respond.

Only your mind(s) can comprehend why you need to send
me copies of all the letters you send to Haroon. 

Haroon Siddiqui is the most popular contributor of the
most popular newspaper in Canada, namely The Toronto
Star. He is also the Editor Emeritus of that paper. He
was spotted in New Delhi and asked by Canadian
officials to migrate to Canada.

Just in case you did not get it in the first (and
only) reply he sent you, the reason why he does not
read your mail is because it's full of coarse

Since we are on this subject, I must congratulate the
Goanet administrators for getting you to clean up your
language. I guess its was only the numerous rejected
posts that got you to understand that this net group
is different from the type you normally  subscribe to.


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