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<Big developmental projects constantly attract local protest, since scenic
placid self contained villages react to ceding public and private farm and
and green areas to urbanisation and commercial activity, ...In the political
race to demonstrate development milestones before an
upcoming election, the Congress party sees itself as a victim, paying the
price for being more democratic and therefore a soft target for protestors.
"Activists only come out of the woodwork when the Congress is in power"
says Congress MLA Jeetendra Deshprabhu, referring to the calm that previous
regimes enjoyed.>

1. It does seem to be true that in Goa a "village" perspective tends to
prevail over even that of a unified "state". The challenge to the state
leadership is to truly understand the state's needs (including in the
national context)  and then try to persuade the affected people who may have
to sacrifice in the larger interest of the community. Hopefully, over time
every one will get to bear their own fair share of the burden and wont have
reason to feel they are beng singled out.

2. I also think the present government is taking the easy way out by saying
they are a soft target for protesters because they are "more democratic". I
dont know how previous regimes dealt with protesters, but the present one
was definitely less than transparent and perhaps even mendacious about Mopa
airport project, a capstone development project for the state if ever there
was one.

P.S. I checked the conversion table and found "10,000 sq m" is only 2.5
acres. How is this golf course a "big development project"? A mountain out
of a mole hill?

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