FLASH : The Da Vinci Code Movie "Banned" In Goa

This morning saw the unprecedented coming together of Catholic organisations,
politicians, and even Non-Catholic sympathisers, with one and only one agenda: 
An immediate permanent STOP to screening of "The Da Vinci Code" movie at the 
Innox Theaters in Goa.

Co-ordinated by Br.Edmund Antao of the "Crusaders For Jesus With Mary" and
South Goa MP, Churchill Alemao, an overnight appeal brought hundreds of 
Catholics from all corners of Goa, in a mighty show of strength, to the Panjim 
Church Hall in the capital city.

It was an auspicious occasion, the Feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit
descended on the cowering, fearful Apostles of Jesus Christ, who were huddled 
in the Upper Room, in Jerusalem, more than 2000 years ago, and turned them 
into courageous, fearless leaders of the Church.

At the onset, Br. Edmund Antao reminded the belligent crowd that God can do
the impossible and requested them to call on the Holy Spirit to bring the
desired victory instead of relying on man's limited resources.

Speaker after speaker lambasted the willy-nilly attitude of the Goa Govt. and 
the impotence of the many Catholic Cabinet Ministers in banning the film in 
Goa, while other States like Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, etc. having a 
comparative smaller Christian population, had already done so.

The South Goa MP, Churchill Alemao threw a challenge to the operators of 
Innox, which incidentally is owned by the Goa Govt., to immediately stop 
screening the movie or face the consequences.

At around 12.30 PM, while Churchill Alemao was still holding the floor, the
Dy. Collector and designated Judicial Magistrate, Mr. Agnelo Fernandes, who 
was monitoring the situation at the Panjim Church Hall and in touch with the 
Innox operators in Goa and Mumbai, came onstage to announce that the Innox 
operators have finally seen the writing on the wall and on their own, without 
any Govt. order, have decided to immediately cease screening the movie!

The entire Panjim Church Hall burst into thunderous applause and Br. Edmund 
Antao of the "Crusaders For Jesus With Mary" led the jubilant crowd in 
praising and thanking the Lord for yet another mighty victory on Pentecost Day!

The Da Vinci Code controversy has provided one positive aspect for Goa and 
Goans. It brought together for the first time Goans from every walk of life 
and proved that if we Goans unity under one banner nothing is impossible to us!

Olav Menezes

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