Cornel wrote to Constantino:

1: Thank you very much for your explanation for your
contemporary, repeat, contemporary use of "continental

2: I very much regret to say that your use of
"continental Portugal" is quite misleading. It is also
totally inappropriate and incorrect. Portugal is not 
a continent.

3: Did you once say on Goanet that you were a regular
writer for the weekly Observer in Goa? The mind simply
boggles, but I wish you well


Dear Cornel,

Please allow me to disagree with you.

The term "continental Portugal" does not imply that
Portugal is a 'continent'; neither does the term
"continental USA".

It only indicates (as with the US) areas which are not
on the mainland i.e. Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Virgin
Islands, Guam etc.

The term "mainland" would have (to some) been a 'more
appropriate' word, but I submit .... a less
'politically correct' word.

It would mean that the 50 contiguous states in the US
are kind of "Brahmin" vaddos ...while the others are
"Sokoilo" or "Sudra" vaddos.

Accordingly..In some archipelagic countries, the
islands formerly known as "Out" Islands are now called
"Family" Islands.

Never mind Tino and his part time contribution to the
Goa Observer. He is still a young student. 

You and I claim to have passed that stage, though I
remain a student. Even so, we should have known that -
should we not have?



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