Tino Xavier wrote thus in a response to Jorge de Abreu Noronha: <the current favouring an independent Goa was small and insignificant (though some of its member very influential), when
compared to the mainstream activists favouring integration within India.>

Dear Tino,

Would you please expand on the above ?

On what basis were you able to guage the different "currents" in a manner which would enable you to conclude that One was insignificant (not as significant) as the other.

From my understanding of 'movements" under dictatorships, these "currents"
are usually subterrenean and not overt.

I hasten to add here that Overt Movements are nearly always crushed by Governments - be they dictatorships or alleged democracies.

The one who has the power - always calls the shots(no pun intended).

But that ...for another day. For now ... it is over to you.

Thank You very much


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