Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is why I always ask critics to be specific
> about what I have said that they disagree with, and
> provide alternative facts and opinions of their 
> own, so that we can have an intelligent dialog.

You claimed to be a barbarian. I disagreed with that.
IMHO, your posts here confirm that you are more than a
barbarian. Now lets have an intelligent discussion on
this topic that you have introduced :-)

> I don't think you or anyone else should
> have any trouble figuring out exactly what I think,
> even though I have to sometimes repeat things for
> some
> of our highly schooled members for whom nothing is
> rock solid and everything is relative :-))

Secondly, your posts always remind me of a bad Karaoke
singer doing a Bob Dylan number. The worse the
presentation is, the more authentic the performance.


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