Happy Birthday: St Britto's, which is 60 years old. Celebrations at St
Jerome's Church Mapusa 11 am on July 30, 2006. Football match Loyola's
vs. Britto's 11 am on July 31, 2006 at the school grounds.

Dear Elisabeth,

You have as much right to comment on any issue regarding goa as anyone else 
in the world.

If you are wondering why your suggestion are often dismissed rather harshly, 
it is because of statements like:

1."Thanks God I was born and brought up in the Gulf..."
2."The three S's of a world-class touristdestination are sun, sand and 
3."for blue & white pottery, (a shop in Fountainhas churns it out on a very 
small-scale), backed initiatives in needlepoint like
    crochet, (very lucrative in Maccau), batik, Kashmiri Crewel, furniture 
caning, and a host of handicraftswhich Goans are traditionally known for"
4."turned Goa into a commercial shopping zone, much as Dubai has"

How on earth should we goans respond to suggestions from someone who is 
happy not to be born and live in Goa, wants us to turn Goa into Dubai and 
thinks all Goa has to offer is sun and sand. Infact, I'm surprised at the 
mild response from most netters to your non-sensical suggestions on this 

And please dont hide behind the "NRG investment in Goa" curtain. We all are 
fully aware of that.

Morgan Stanely, Merill Lynch and many other fund houses invest billions of 
dollars in India every year. Should we next ask Americans, Japanese and 
Europeans on how to run India?? Or is debating their suggestions from an 
Indian perspective the more intelligent thing to do??

Brilliant intiatives have been started in Goa by Goans and non-Goans from 
all over the world ( computers for schools, heritage preservation, konkani 
research, orphanages, etc) I have among many other friends, a Japanese 
social anthropologist who has learnt Konkani and done detailed studies of 
the language and the goan diaspora. Are netters aware that goans( all 
communities) when considered as a group have the highest TOEFL/IELTS scores 
in the world(excluding countries where English is the first language. ( 
Paper not yet published). On our goanet itself, Dominic Fernandes takes the 
trouble to familiarise Goans with our mai bhas from far away KSA which 
everyone highly appreciates( more than any petro dinars!!).

So please dont accuse anyone of being insular or any species of amphibian or 
crustacean, just because they point out the absurdity in some of your 
suggestions from a Goan resident perspective.


Sunith Velho

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