At an impressive meet at Our Lady of Grace Church Hall
this evening 7th August, 2006 at 4.30 p.m. (despite
sudden torrential rains which dampened the spirits of
"the Romi affecianados" desiring to attend the meet in
large numbers )under the auspices of  the "ROMI LIPI"
ACTION FRONT, Prince Jacob made it clear that --- "
our demands are for "Romi Lipi" by just making an
amendment to section 2(c) by inserting therein "/Roman
script" the Goa Daman and Diu Official language Act
1987 and there was no other demand whatsoever. 
Referring to the decision of the Congress Legislative
Party decision of 31st July, 2006 Prince Jacob
re-iterated that the decision on Roman script was
welcome and therefore, it would be wrong to draw other

Prince Jacob also stated that during an interaction
held with Mr A R Antulay the Union Minister handling
the Minorities portfolio, Mr Antulay assured them that
he had already made it very clear at the felicitation
function of ex Union Minister Mr Ramakant D Khalap on
his 60th birthday, at the Kala Academy on 5th July,
2006 that Konkani in Roman script would be made the
official language and that Konkani alone is the
mother-tongue of Goa.

Prince Jacob warned the lovers of Roman script which
included a sizeable number of teatrists some veterans,
and others that there was a lot of mis-representation
of facts and distortion of news.  

This was bound to happen since it is for the first
time that those for Konkani ONLY in Devanagari script
were shocked by the ground swell support, the movement
has recieved from all sections of the Goan society
even after 19 years of injustice.

Prince Jacob launched a strong diatribe against
veteran journalist Mr Lambert Mascarehnas a native of
Colva settled in Panaji (ex Editor of Goa Today )who
cast aspersions on the tiatrists at large and Prince
Jacob in particular.  "How could this gentleman who
admits in his opening remarks  in a small article on
the Herald    captioned "Is script greater than
language ? " that he is ---niether a writer nor reader
of Konkani " yet feels that Prince Jacob does not have
the intellectual ability to pursue this issue? 

It may be noted that Mr Mascarenhas now well over 90
years and publisher of the book "sorrowing lies my
land" was in full support of the priests Fr James
Couto, Saligao Seminary, Fr Mousinho de Ataide
Professor of Canon Law at Rachol Seminary, Fr Lino
Florindo,  Professor and Dean of Theology Pilar
Seminary,  Fr Moreno de Souza editor of "Konkani Roti"
who felt that   Konkani only in Devanagari script
should continue and the official language left

Further Prince Jacob reiterated that the seven martyrs
will not rest in peace for "Goans shed their blood
sweat and tears for Konkani and not for Konkani in
Devanagari script -- we were cheated by the likes of
Uday L Bhembre who now constitute the think tank of
the Congress. He warned that all tiatrists will
contest the 40 assembly seats if the government does
not go ahead with grant of official language status to
Roman script, before the forthcoming polls;  atleast
he would file his nomination against all those who
oppose this amendment in the forthcoming elections.

Earlier in his opening address Mr Wilson Mazarello
veteran tiatrist, illustrated the various steps taken
beginning from the movement launched by the Dalgado
Konkani Academy since December, 2004 before the CLP
decision was arrived at. He demanded that there should
be an ordinance before 20th August 2006 and later if
it does not come about the agitation will start.

As Convenor of the "Romi Lipi" Action Front, with
office at TSKK B B Borkar Rd, Alto Porvorim, Goa,
email id -- [EMAIL PROTECTED], tel No: +91 832
2415857, 241 5864 Mobile 9850658565  Mr Mazarello
cautioned the public NOT  to be misguided by the Press
which often indulged in half truths to wean away the
forces supporting the language script.

Fr Pratap Naik now appointed as the sole official
spokesperson for the Romi Lipi Action Front since 31st
July 2006, informed the public that contrary to what
was reported, the beginnings of Konkani in Devanagari
was intiated immediately after the Liberation of Goa,
when a few Konkani only in devanagari script
protoganists felt in 1964 that if Marathi was adopted
as the medium of education then Konkani in devanagari
script too should be taught in schools.  Later a ten
member Advisory board of the Sahitya Akademy in which
except for late Fr Antonio Pereira who was a staunch
Romi lipi supporter, all others were pro- Konkani ONLY
in devanagari script passed the resolution on
21.11.1981 unanimously adopting a resolution to make
devanagari the script for Konkani. This needs to be
undone as it was not done in consulation with the
people of Goa.

He said that this was the beginning of the damage done
to our mother tongue.  He too reiterated that even as
a priest he felt it his moral duty and moreso by his
vocation to stand by the will of the people and not be
cowed down by those who tend to create rifts.  He
castigated Mr Rajan Narayan for fomenting confusion
associating him with Mr Subhash Velingker  stating
that the two were hand in glove to pursue the Romi
issue and as a quid pro qua support the demand for
Marathi as official language.  He said that his demand
is for Konkani in Roman script with Devanagari . He
questioned Mr Narayan -- how could a man ---referring
to RSS chief in Goa  Mr Subhash Velingker a
teacher,----- who had in his article calling St
Francis Xavier "Sant or Saitan" in Sunaparant daily be
linked to Fr Pratap Naik?  Fr Naik stated that most of
the Press resorted to distortion of news and provoked

Mr Radharao Gracias ex MLA claimed that his family
belonged to freedom fighters they were nationalists as
can be seen from the fact that they all have Indian
names give to members of his family.  Mr Gracias
stated that it was common for these pro-Konkani only
in Devanagari script protoganists to brand others as
antinationalist.  " If they were nationalists why
should they be wearing pant and shirt instead of
dhoties or pudvis? " "why should the women folk now
wear salwar kameez instead of sarees?  Why eat pao and
bhaji (made of potatoes and tomatoes  which were the
contribution of Portuguese to Goa? This clearly
reveals their hypocrite attitude.

Referring to Mr Lambert Mascarenhas he said that the
less said the better for when Mr Mascarenhas 
contested elections some years ago he could not muster
even 300 votes.  Mr Gracias told the gathering that
when he brought the amendment bill to include Roman
script in 1994 he was not supported by the Catholic
MLA's, who even  today are merely lending their
support discreetly or acting as fence sitters.

This writer adds a comment made by a member of the
audience that "communion of assets" is the most sought
 modus of treating their incomes when it comes to
taxation by those who brand others as
antinationalists? why do they not shun this benefit
which was provided under the Portuguese Civil Code?
Others who spoke on the ocassion were MP Mr Churchill
Alemao, who pledged his support for Konkani in Roman

Mr Ulhas Buyao, of "Chaniyache Ratri" fame castigated
those who were esposing the cause of Shennoi Goembab
of Assonora Bicholim. "Who is this Shenoy that the pro
Konkani only in Devanagari votaries are projecting as
their mascot? " He said that this young lad  "por" who
spent most of his life time in Mumbai was working in
Goa for only a year or so? Could this Shenoy
understand the culture and linguistic nuances of
Konkani in this short period? " He expressed his firm
resolve to support any one who was for Konkani in
Roman script for it had an over 500 years history
unlike devanagari which was a recent development.

Later the platform was thrown open to the public to
express their views tiatrist Mr John Gomes "Kokoy" Mr
Alberto Leitao of Varca, Mr Floriano Lobo from Goa
Suraj Party and several others spoke in support of a
strong movement to pursue the issue of Konkani in
Roman script.

Meanwhile according to a source in the Goa Pradesh
Congress Committee, the meeting was convened today
afternoon at 3.30 p.m. by  GPCC President Mr Ravi S
Naik to discuss the script issue. The Chief Minister
Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane was not present as he had
left for Mumbai, it is also known that the Deputy
Speaker  Ms Victoria Fernandes did not participate 
due death of her sister in Mumbai. It is not clear
whether the conclave could decide any resolution
though Mr Antanasio (Babush ) Monserate was also

Incidentally the number of Institutions that have come
under the banner of the Roman Lipi Action Front has
now increased to 54 more and more institutions were
coming forward to join the bandwagon, for its now or

Photos attached for perusal and free circulation.  
>From the Our Lady of Grace Church Hall 


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