Observations of Dr Filomena Giese are appreciated and very much to the point. 
The problem is who will protect Goa? Ultimately the onus lies on those who 
chose to stay on in Goa and resist going abroad, many of whom actively protest 
the social and environmental degradation. NRIs preach and fly off the next day. 
Earning one's livelihood and also protecting Goa takes a heavy toll on an 
activist considering the pay scales in private domain. Only those whose life is 
under threat and who are constantly tormented by the forces that rule, know the 
bitter truth and the loneliness. Goans are not like the kannadigas or malyalees 
who go abroad but are concerned about preservation of their state and 
contribute towards locals initiatives. Resources are a very important factor in 
mobilising support, running sustained campaigns, knocking the courts and so on. 
Who will support this? 
Secondly, there is no sufficient space and time to pamper Goan egos. Everyone 
thinks he knows the answer and everyone wants to be the leader. Hundreds of 
civil society initiatives competing for space, sponsors, recognition and 
awards. Concepts like 'Networking',  'Consolidation of efforts' 'collaboration' 
does not find place in the Goan dictionary. It is I say and you follow me. No 
initiatives to preserve Goa are going to suceed with such an attitude.
-Soter D'Souza
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